Details in the Fabric
As a detail oriented business owner, I’m always looking for potential areas of improvement: ways to improve myself, my routine, my business, my finances, etc. As I round the third year of being an entrepreneur, I’m realizing more and more that there are soooo many areas of my life that still need quite a bit of detailing attention. It can sometimes become embarrassing. Sure, detailing a car, not too daunting of a task; you get most of the dirt off in the first pass, and then by the second or third, it’s looking dramatically different in less than a few hours. But life? Life requires more patience, more diligence, more dedication, especially in those hard to reach areas: like the alarm clock, or that neglected relationship matter, or that long ignored bad habit. Detailing is convicting; perhaps that’s one of the reasons I love it. You go from cleaning the areas that everyone sees to cleaning the areas that almost no one sees and back and forth again. Sometimes you get tempted to “sweep the dirt under the rug” but Jiminy Cricket won’t let you. And yes, thank God for that voice that won’t let you! Oh, that I would listen to that voice more this year, not just in the obvious areas of car and life cleaning but in those nitty gritty details: those details in the fabric that scream “I’m not all I can be and I know it”. Terrifying..motivating..glorious ray of sunshine.