Dissatisfied Clients – My Favorite Ones
The more that I grow as a detailer/business owner, the more value I place on those who are dissatisfied with the services I provide. Thankfully, these clients are rare but when I do come across any amount of dissatisfaction, I find that I am embracing it more, as I very well should.
Take “J” for example: we had the pleasure of doing 2 full details on her car and truck and we completed the job in good time. But after about a week, I found out that she was not thrilled about the level of service she received from us. Naturally, I thought “Oh boy, how could we have missed those areas?” However, I quickly realized that this was actually a valuable opportunity, both for me and the client. For me, I was about to learn what a major weakness in the business was and how this problem could be avoided in the future. For the client, she was about to get blessed with amazing customer service as well as a free interior detail just for the inconvenience. At the end of the day, everyone got blessed. “J” was so happy that she left us a 5 star review and said she would definitely call us back.
I didn’t always respond so well toward people who were dissatisfied with my performance. Thank God for growth and improvement. This got me thinking though: When a friend, loved one or even a stranger shows dissatisfaction towards me, am I more prone to see that as a problem or an opportunity? To see it as a problem will cause more friction in that relationship. To see it as an opportunity will result in a better relationship. You see, the immediate temptation is to be immature and defensive and say “I’m not the problem”. The immediate temptation is to remain blind to my own fault, to be blind to the dirt that I left in someone’s cup holder. But it takes a real man to own up to his own faults. And, it takes a bigger man to decide that he’s going to fix them. May God grant us all the wisdom to fix what needs to be fixed, right down to those little details. Why? Because details matter.